Rules - A roadmap for our Classroom Management Plan.


 1. Follow the rules!

While this may seem obvious, it merits mentioning.  It stands as a constant reminder that if we create an organized plan it must be followed and adhered to in order to ensure our success.

2. Respect one another.

Both students and teachers alike need to practice respect.  Doing so will ensure a safe and conducive environment, one that is comfortable for teaching as well as learning.

3. Come to class prepared.

Here again this may seem to be simple common sense.  But as so often is the case it is the simple htings, the things we take for granted, that can be overlooked.  This rule is does not just refer to supplies.  It means coming to class fully prepared, both materialy, physically, and emotionally.  Students (as well as the teacher) must walk through the door and be properly rested, have the neccessary supplies, and the energy they need to perform the task at hand.


It is my belief that approximately five to six rules should be employed in the classroom.  I have intentionally left a few out here as I feel that the students should have hand in making the rules.  This should be done on the very first day of class.  It is also my belief the students should engaged in role playing of the rules that have been made.  In other words, if the rule is enter the classroom quietly, two children should be selected to act the rule out.  One to show the proper way to enter a room, and the other to show how not to enter a classroom.


Educational board games

Extra recess time

Pizza party


First Offense - Non verbal warning (e.g. quietly walk over and put the object they shouldn't be playing with down).

Second Offense - Verbal warning (follow up with asking the student privately the next day if they intend to repeat the offense - "Johnny, are you going to run down the hall today?").

Third Offense - Student writes an essay explaining their behavior and how they will correct it.

Fourth Offense - Note or phone call home and meeting with the parents.  Teacher to reflect and make notes on possible alternate procedures and techniques from those employed along the way that might have helped prevent the behavior from getting this far.

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