My philosophy of classroom management begins and ends solely with the well being of the children who are in my charge.  My desire is for the plan to address the children completely and wholly: academically, physically, spiritually, and morally.  In this way it is hoped that through providing the proper environment, direction, and guidance they will be able to flourish as human beings and achieve and fulfill the highest potential they are capable of reaching.  This of course is easier said than done.  No plan is infallible, hence the reason it is stated on the home page that this plan is dynamic.  Problems are both expected, and welcomed.  I suppose that every teacher dreams of the perfect class in which every day of the school year is flawless and problem free.  But at the heart of the matter, I suspect they would not truly be happy if this were the case.  The teachers I know that are truly happy, want to make a difference in their student's lives.  It is the challenges we face as educators, and being able to help students overcome the obstacles they face in life that deter them from achieving their dreams that make our careers meaningful and fulfilling.  Ready?  LET'S LEARN!
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